Property details last updated: 23 Apr, 2024


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Property requirements

Type of house:
Min number of bedrooms:
Min number of bathrooms:
Min size of house mē approx:
Swimming pool:
Preferred location:
Available budget in euros:
(we ask this so as not to waste your time discussing properties that are over your budget)
Does this amount include the additional 10% of the purchase price needed to complete the purchase?:
See our buyer's guide for more info
Will you need a mortgage from a Spanish bank to help fund your purchase?:
If yes, what percentage of the purchase price will you be requiring on the mortgage?:
(We often work with the Halifax bank and many of the local Spanish banks and are very happy to introduce you to them and guide you through the mortgage process)
Please add any comments that you have about the property you are searching for. Please do give us as much information as possible so we can find properties that most fit your needs.
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